Sunday, 18 December 2011

T'was the week before Christmas......

and all through the house, not a creature was stirring ........... but then we were out on the ran dan last night!
Sitting here feeling rather pleased with myself that all presents are bought (last time I checked anyway) and food organised. Two Christmas cards still to write - I'm ALWAYS late with these - then I can get my feet up at the fire and watch a movie with the wee ones.
This is always a time of year when so much is expected of everyone and everything. We should be less harsh on ourselves - if something doesn't work out quite right it's probably not going to be the end of the world after all. Although I say I've got the food organised, I've also got a large supply of pasta in the cupboard and we can always have spaghetti for Christmas dinner!
And when it comes to those last minute presents that you completely blanked out about, there's a wee stash of chocolates and wine that will come in very handy. And if I've got through the whole of Christmas without dipping into that stash, guess what.............. I'll be putting them to very good use!!
Happy Christmas to you all.............. hope it's a good one!

Thursday, 1 December 2011

losing faith

Well, after the drama of Tuesday with the main road from Bridge of Weir to Kilmacolm blocked with a small lake, complete with floating cars for decoration, we return to some normality? I'm afraid not.
Daughter goes off to school on Tuesday on the bus only to call me saying there's a major hold-up, can I call the school? Gets there not too late, but as the day progresses, we realise that the buses will not be running to bring her home. The bus company reckons the road is impassable, so us in cars just have to get on with it!
So we get her home, safe and well.
Day off on Wednesday because of strikes, so on Thursday morning we're all up and ready to go again.
After waiting for "ages", the bus duly arrives. Some rather sad faces as I'm sure they thought they were on for another day off!! Bus only gets as far as the Quarriers road and promptly breaks down!!!! Can it get any worse!!!
Well, still waiting to hear if she's made it to school - told her just to enjoy the fact she's not in lessons but that didn't go down well. I think we're in for 'Bad Mood Bear' when she gets home..... and a fight to get her to go for the bus tomorrow!!!