Tuesday, 29 October 2013

welcome to our November issue

It's great to see continuing improvements at the frontage at Neva Place. On this occasion, many thanks to the Brighter Bridge of Weir group for planting the border in front of Bernie's, and thanks too to Bull's Garage for donating the red stone chips, and the efforts of Willie Carruth, Roy Holmes and the Brighter girls who managed to move enough red chips to cover from the edge of Bernie's paving all the way down to the bank. Well done!

Sadly, the availability of these stone chips is due to the, now obvious, closure of Bull's Garage. This was a business at the core of village life and will be sorely missed. For those villagers who live and work within the locality it provided a convenient and essential resource, even if only for filling-up your vehicle. Locals will now have to make a conscious decision to go elsewhere and in doing so may change their local shopping habits. Please remember that a village without local shops can be a very soul-less place, so please do your utmost to continue to support your local retailers and help keep the community alive. 

It's Panto season.... 

"Oh no it's not" you say, "Oh yes it is!" And we are so excited at The Advertizer this year as one of our very own team is taking part - we'll leave it to our eagle-eyed readers out there to go along to the show and find out who! 

On that same theme, we've got a special section in our centre pages, "Spotlight", with details of pantomimes, theatre events and fireworks displays- plenty going on for all tastes.

If you've got any events for our December issue, please get these to us by our deadline of Friday 15th November