Tuesday, 1 December 2015


The Knapps Bonfire this year went off with the usual bang; a great success and a credit to all the organisers and volunteers, and of course the patrons. However, will it be an event we can enjoy next year?
The Bonfire is a not for profit event; I understand that on balance some years make a loss and other years make small profit. The funding for the event comes from entrance money taken at the gate. However, it’s astounding the number of folks who now watch from outside the field, standing on the road, to save themselves a few quid. I know it can get pretty muddy underfoot, which can be a little off-putting, but if this trend continues, the consequence for everyone will be a lack of funding and no more fireworks. So go on, get your wellies on, get muddy and join in next year. It’s part of the fun!
Well, I got myself all fired up on that one, so to douse the flames (pun intended), another topical subject: the rain.
Starting on a positive note, the road improvements and drainage works at Scart Farm, between Kilmacolm and Bridge of Weir, seem to be coping well considering the amount of water over the last few weeks. Remember the floating mini a couple of years ago?

Sunday, 1 November 2015

November is packed with Fireworks, Festivals, Fetes, Family Fun, Fantastic Christmas lights and Funny pantomimes. It’s amazing just how much goes on in such a small area. What a Fantastic community!
We celebrate Bonfire Night with Glasgow Green Fireworks on Wednesday 4th November, followed by Knapps Bonfire & Fireworks, Paisley Fireworks Spectacular and Bishopton Fireworks Display which are all on Saturday 7th November.
There are lots of festive light switch-ons - Paisley Xmas Lights are on Saturday 14th November, Johnstone Xmas Lights on Saturday 21st November, Renfrew and Linwood Xmas Lights both on Saturday 28th November, and Bridge of Weir Christmas Lights on Thursday 3rd December.
The annual Santa Sleigh will be visiting the following areas in December and we have a full list of routes on p22.
Houston from Tuesday 1st to Monday 7th Dec.
Brookfield on Tuesday 8th Dec.
Kilmacolm (North) Wednesday 9th, (South) Thursday 10th Dec.
Quarriers on Saturday 12th Dec.
Bridge of Weir from Friday 11th to Wednesday 16th Dec.
Please support this wonderful event as all the money raised goes to the groups involved on the evening - a host of volunteers giving up their time to raise funds.
And don’t forget all our local pantos which are great fun and highly entertaining! So if you haven’t been to one yet, this is your last chance to get tickets! Check our ‘What’s On’ listings for details of all these local events - there’s plenty going on for all tastes.
Although it seems a bit early to be thinking of Christmas, our next edition will be the last one for 2015. So if you want to be in the magazine, please get in touch well ahead of the deadline date of Friday 13th November.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

This October we hit the ground running towards Christmas with a number of fundraising events already underway with a festive theme. Once again, our local dramatic groups are getting ready for Panto season and this year we have our very own thespian in the office, an active member of KDS... Oh no she’s not, Oh yes she is!... enough already! The KDS Panto is Mother Goose, while Johnstone Phoenix Youth Theatre are playing Sleeping Beauty and Johnstone Phoenix Theatre Group put on Cinderella. If we’ve missed any, please let us know and we can promote in the November issue! Get your tickets early, these brilliant shows are well worth a visit.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

The main car park in Bridge of Weir was closed for a few days last month for re-surfacing and lining and we are delighted that it was completed and re-opened within the same week. There was some disruption during this, but I’m sure you’ll all agree it was a much needed improvement.
Following the closure of the Royal Bank of Scotland in Lochwinnoch in November 2014, we now hear that the Kilmacolm branch of RBS is also in line for closure. Kilmacolm formerly hosted RBS, BoS, TSB and Clydesdale banks, but now the RBS is the only bank remaining in the village. Even with internet banking, the village surely still needs a bank; even on a basic level, local shops need to bank their takings each day and require cash change. An additional worry is that if we lose the bank, we lose the footfall in the village which may have a knock on effect for other businesses.
RBS claim there are not enough customers to justify keeping the branch open, but they are apparently offering a mobile bank service instead. However, with parking in the village being an issue, where is the mobile bank going to “pitch-up”? The present branch premises is generously spacious, therefore one wonders if one of the smaller shops, presently vacant, in the village would present a more viable option for RBS.
MSP Derek Mackay is on the case, as are the local councillors. I contacted RBS too regarding the proposed closure and they are advising any customers who are concerned to write to:
Customer Relations Manager,
The Royal Bank of Scotland,
PO Box 594,
Chatham ME4 9DP
I urge you to do so.
Just as we went to press, MSP Derek Mackay also told The Advertizer that he has been advised by Renfrewshire Council that planning permission for the erection of 43 dwelling houses at the Shillingworth site will go to committee for Councillors to decide on Tuesday 25/Aug. Mr Mackay has been monitoring the situation after being contacted by constituents in Bridge of Weir regarding the site.
On a lighter note, I know it’s only September, but rehearsals are already underway for the pantomime season.... Oh no they’re not!.... OH YES THEY ARE! We are happy to promote these events which are such a fun part of the run up to Christmas - if you are involved and would like us to publicise your event please get in touch.
And planning ahead for that time of year, an idea for Christmas is the must buy for 2016, The Bridge calendar. With some lovely pictures from members of Paisley Colour Photographic Club, calendars will be for sale in The Bridge from mid-September.
Gibb Stuart are once again hosting their Cook Live event (see page 43) on 16 September with QVC’s Malcolm Harradine as guest chef. The event includes free gifts and exclusive prices on all demo items. There will be expert advice from manufacturer representatives, lucky prize draws and live cookery demonstrations by Malcolm Harradine through the day. Make sure you get your tickets early to avoid disappointment!

Saturday, 1 August 2015


Livery Walk car park in Bridge of Weir is being re-surfaced and will close for up to five days from Sunday 9 August. This is a change to the planned dates due to the public holiday on the 3rd. The Council has been in discussion with Community Council and TARA and has arranged for the Roads team to work longer days to try to complete the work as quickly as possible and minimise the disruption. 
Smithy Brae in Kilmacolm (next to the Cross Cafe) will be closed to traffic from 8am on Saturday 1 August to 6pm on Sunday 2 August to allow the demolition of the former Kilmacolm Institute building to be completed. Pedestrian access will still be possible during this time. Whatever your thoughts on the building, it will be good to have this work completed, remove the risk of falling debris and tidy up the centre of the village.
At The Advertizer, we have had some very positive feedback about the Council’s upgrading of the A761 between Kilmacolm and Bridge of Weir. In particular, the road being closed through the night to allow works to be carried out with minimum disruption to traffic was much appreciated.
And we hear that in Quarrier’s Village, Craigbet Road, Torr Avenue, Craigbet Avenue and Craigbet Crescent will be resurfaced. This should take place in August, but is entirely weather dependent.
In Houston, work continues on the Crosslee Bridge with an estimated completion date in early August. Work has been extensive with the parapet and copes, two pillars and the string course all being taken down and replaced. 
And at the new Cala development off the Houston Road at Lonend, the proposed street name is ‘Hallcraigs Crescent’. The name derives from a former Quarry located behind the site and adjacent to Quarry Brae and a former 19th century property that was situated in what is locally known as Manse Field.
Erskine Festival will take place week commencing 10 August, with events happening all week, all over town, and culminating in a fun filled Gala Day complete with Vintage/Sports Car Display.
Not quite on the road, but still with a high octane factor, another exciting event coming up is the Scottish Airshow which takes place in Ayrshire in September. Entry to the air display on the Saturday is free although there may be charges for parking. With the chance to see the wonderful Red Arrows, I’m certainly going to try to get there!

Wednesday, 1 July 2015


Who’d have thought! We’ve reached a quarter millennium with our 250th issue of The Advertizer. Starting back in 1995 as a wee four page black & white news-sheet delivered to 2000 homes in Kilmacolm, the magazine has now grown to a full colour, glossy publication with over 13,500 copies distributed every month covering the Gryffe area of West Renfrewshire.


There has been a flurry of activity on the A761 Bridge of Weir to Kilmacolm section as new drainage and verge works are carried out. This is to help prevent the flooding that regularly causes water to lie across the road at the low section, below Scart Farm. Once finished, the road should be resurfaced all the way from Kilmacolm to Bridge of Weir.


Of all the days for a weather front to hit Scotland, it was the Saturday of the Houston Show and Kilbarchan’s Lilias Day. Both events ended up cancelled due to the high winds and rain that were forecast. It was hoped that Lilias Day could be rescheduled, but this will not now happen. However, the committee are rallying well and are hopeful of a bigger and even better event for next year.
Lochwinnoch Gala Day did go ahead the following weekend with better weather. Although it was sad to see a last minute appeal through Facebook, still requesting volunteers. We all enjoy attending these events, but it takes volunteers to make them happen. So if you think you could give a little time, please get in touch with your local event team and get your name down for next year!
Bridge of Weir’s Gala Day was a great success - the parade through the village was spectacular and visitors to Houston Road Park said it was one of the best shows they had been to. All this despite the main man, Gordon Lethorn, being in hospital prior to the event. Our thoughts and best wishes to Gordon, his family and the committee members.


We heard of rogue traders going around knocking doors in Langbank offering to check roofs. Please be aware and look out for elderly neighbours who are always a prime target. If you see or hear of anything like this, please contact the police on 101.
And another thing to be wary of is email and social media postings. We’ve recently been in receipt of the rogue email that advises that your friend is stuck in another country with no funds to get home. Please send money! No, please get in touch with your friend and confirm that he/she is safe & sound. Then junk the email address and delete from your inbox. On Facebook recently, we’ve had a number of interesting looking posts saying things like “Oh, I never thought I’d see this...” with a link to open. Again, please don’t! If you are really intrigued, why not Google the item and see what comes up. Invariably, you’ll see straight away that these are scams and hacks and to be avoided at all costs. 


There is still no update on the Lintwhite Gate proposal in Bridge of Weir. The Community Council has checked with the developer’s agent regarding a date for the public consultation and exhibition on proposals, but as yet no date has been set by the developer and no indication given as to when it might happen. The only restriction on the developer is that he must give a minimum of seven days notice and advertise the event in the press. The CC will advertise the date on Facebook as soon as they receive notice and will also arrange for posters around the village.
Again, there is no news about the former Bull’s Garage site, and in Kilmacolm the Institute building is in limbo as we go to press as demolition has been suspended due to a work related accident resulting in serious injury to one of the workers.


And a wee funny to finish on: apparently Tripadvisor has received a negative review of Ben Nevis - apparently it is too high! I’m speechless!

Monday, 1 June 2015


A significant amount of activity is now in progress at the old Institute building at the Cross. Although scaffolding has been erected, which might look like the building is being preserved, the plan is still to demolish it. A new build will be erected with two retail units on the ground floor and thirteen residential flats, over three levels above; the basement will accommodate residential parking and also allow for deliveries and storage for the two shops. The larger of the two shops will house a much improved Co-Operative store, relocated from Lyle Buildings. There will clearly be some time of disruption whilst works are in progress, but hopefully the completed build and improvement to the village environs will be well worth it.


The A761, Kilmacolm to Bridge of Weir road, is yet again receiving surface repairs. The traffic lights which were in situ towards the latter part of May have allowed for drainage improvement works in preparation for resurfacing. Hopefully this will see an end to the flooding at the Scart Farm entrance and the many serious accidents which appear to have been caused by aquaplaning. Staying on roads, the new “Gotter Bridge” is now open in Quarriers village, ahead of schedule. The temporary bailey bridge has been in place over Gotter Water, on Craigbet Road, for 10 years. This had restricted access to the buses and larger vehicles, but normal service should now be resumed.


Despite poor weather forecasts earlier in the week, the Knapps Show turned out to be one of the best for many years. The glorious sunshine was equally matched by the beaming smiles of the crowds who were there to enjoy the day. Let’s hope the other local events scheduled for June are just as lucky with the weather.


I’m always commending others for their years of service to the community, but forgot to give myself a mention earlier this year. It was 20 years ago in February 1995 that I first started publishing The Advertizer, then just a black and white four page newssheet, delivered around Kilmacolm. Like many start-ups, I worked from a spare room in the house and did everything relating to the business myself, including the first few month’s deliveries to 2,000 homes, prior to taking on some delivery help. The enthusiasm and energy of youth, or was I just plain bonkers back then?
I have to say I’m very proud of how the publication has evolved, and extend a huge thank you to my co-workers in the office, our dozens of loyal advertisers who make the community magazine financially viable and the many contributors who help us with the editorial and photographic content.
The Advertizer is the ideal platform to communicate with your community as we reach over 13,500 homes and businesses in the Gryffe area.
Send your news and photos to info@advertizer.co.uk or by post to The Gryffe Advertizer, 1st floor, Neva Place, Bridge of Weir, PA11 3PN.

Friday, 1 May 2015


As we approach gala season again, we all look forward to a “grand day out” with all the entertainment laid on for kids and grown-ups alike. These events are run to a very high standard throughout and everything goes like clockwork - weather permitting. All thanks to a small army of volunteers who give of their time to gather in the wee dark hours of the winter to plan, organise and fundraise.
Some of these events date back many years and are steeped in history, others are more recent additions to the calendar. Perhaps you feel that you would like to get involved and be a part of our local annual events. Your involvement will be rewarding for yourself and the community, so why not become a part of your local community and offer your services.
This month we’ve got wonderful events on land and on water, with a mix of carnivals, plant sales, regattas, open days and tea parties. Take your pick!
Full details in our What’s on section:
8-10 May & 15-17 May: Annual Plant Sale, Lodge Sir Michael, Kilmacolm
9 May: Kilmacolm & Port Glasgow Agricultural Show, locally referred to as 
  The Knapps Show
9 May: Houston & Killelan Kirk Carnival Day
10 May (Sunday): Gourock Highland Games
10 May (Sunday): Asparagus Farm Open Day
15-24 May: Scotland’s Nature Festival at Clyde Muirshiel, Lochwinnoch
15-24 May: Volunteer Arts Week at Clyde Muirshiel, Lochwinnoch
16 May: Annual Plant Sale, RSPB Lochwinnoch
17 May (Sunday): Bluebell Walk & Duck Race at Highwood, Kilmacolm
17 May (Sunday): Open Day at Castle Semple Sailing Club, Lochwinnoch
23 May: Calder UF Church Summer Fayre
23-24 May: Scottish Sailing Championships at Castle Semple
24 May (Sunday): Mad Hatters Tea Party at Finlaystone
30 May: Lamont Farm Project Open Day, Erskine
30 May: Castle Semple Rowing Club Regatta
31 May (Sunday): Robin Hood & the Crusaders at Finlaystone
There’s more to come in June, so prepare yourself for a fun-filled summer!
And lastly, as a regular reminder, we want to hear from you if you’ve done something wonderful, if you are planning a fund raising event, if you’ve got news to share, or even if you’re looking for help with something. Our readers are always eager to hear what’s happening and eager to help if they can. And the best thing is, there’s no cost from us to do this!
The Advertizer is the ideal platform to communicate with your community as we reach over 13,000 homes and businesses in the Gryffe area.
Send your news and photos to info@advertizer.co.uk or by post to The Advertizer, Neva Place, Bridge of Weir, PA11 3PN.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

When I started up The Advertizer 20 years ago, one of the first local businesses to advertise with me was “Travel a la Carte”, or “Villafind” as it was originally known. Maureen Horton has been the force behind this successful travel business for 30 years, but has decided the time has come to hang up her sombrero and retire. Maureen used to joke with me that she was The Advertizer’s page 3 girl as her ad has been on p3 for so many years; we’ll be sorry to see her go. However, on a positive note, the Kilmacolm travel shop will continue to operate, in its spectacular spot over-looking the Cargill Centre Square, with Arlene Donald taking the helm. Arlene operates as part of Barrhead Travel and the Kilmacolm shop will run under the franchise name “Travel Actually”. We wish Maureen a fruitful and happy retirement, whilst also wishing Arlene every success in her new venture.
Roads... argggh! It’s the time of year when there seems to be a flurry of activity as Council budgets are used up before the year end, and this invariably means road works, everywhere, at the same time. This has seen, on one particular day, almost every road into Bridge of Weir being worked on, in one way or another. Drivers have been very patient and hopefully by the time we are in print most of these works will be complete and we will be enjoying some pot-hole free driving.... for a while! We can only hope the root-causes for the carriageway failures are addressed during the repair process to prevent a recurrence.
Moving on to pavements, it’s much appreciated to see many dog owners now lifting their dog’s poo and bagging it. However there seems to be a minority who miss the next stage of binning it. It was reported that 15 such stinky bags were lifted from the lane between High St and Port Glasgow Rd, at the Kidston Hall, Kilmacolm - many of these a distinctive burgundy bag! Bag it and BIN IT!
On a lighter note, some comic relief. Kilmacolm Dramatic Society are treating us to their production of ‘Allo ‘Allo (which I will say only once). Based on a BBC 1 series, running from 1982 until 1992, written by well-known script-writers Jeremy Lloyd & David Croft. Performances take place on 22, 23, 24 & 25 April at the Kidston Hall. Tickets are available, as usual, from the Cross Cafe in Kilmacolm (tel:872502) and from Rosie Thirde on 01505 873088.
Continuing the comic theme, brilliant news that since the first appeal 30 years ago, Comic Relief has now raised over £1 billion! I’m not even sure how many 000’s that is! However, although this is a wonderful charity and helps many desperate people, I did notice a post on facebook from someone locally who was suggesting that we can all do a little bit to help closer to home, and at no great cost. If we were all to donate a little time, whether to help out at a charity event, venue or shop, or to take the time to visit someone in need of a bit of shopping or just some company, we could all do our bit. It really doesn’t take much to make someone’s day a little better. There are also lots of animal rescue centres run by caring volunteers who could all do with an extra pair of hands to feed, exercise, clean out yards, etc. Alternatively, if you can’t find time to help, some of these charities have collecting stands at local supermarkets, so, if nothing else, try to at least drop in an extra tin of pet food to assist their collections, much appreciated.
And as Spring makes a welcome appearance, another sight in each of the villages is the various groups in their lovely bright jackets, planting and pruning, sweeping and snipping, getting the planters ready to bloom! We now have Brighter Bridge of Weir, Colourful Kilmacolm and Grow Kilbarchan all making great effort to brighten up the villages. Go on, get involved, even if it’s just tidying up the area around your own home, and Gibb Stuart’s even sell litter-pickers, so come on and get picking!

Sunday, 1 March 2015


Arts Festival
Now an established and popular annual event, Lochwinnoch Arts Festival will run from 18 to 29 March with a variety of events held through the week and an art exhibition in the Library running throughout. Two pre-festival events will also run on 7 and 15 March. Some events must be booked in advance, so get your skates on and get in touch if you fancy going along. Find out more details athttp://lochwinnochartsfestival.co.uk/
The Councillors of Inverclyde and Renfrewshire inform us that surface upgrades to the A761 (Kilmacolm to Bridge of Weir road) are imminent, either side of the District boundary. Hopefully these repairs will incorporate improved drainage, since it seems to me to be the excessive surface water which has resulted in numerous serious accidents in recent years.
The delay in resurfacing is, as usual, a consequence of budget cuts and lack of funding. However one has to wonder what the expense is to the emergency services, insurance claims and clean up operations, and hospital care and rehabilitation for the victims. Some joined up thinking from central government would help... surely prevention is better than cure?
Nearly new babies - Kidston Kids
It is with some regret we have a missing entry this month. Traditionally this would be the month when we’d be promoting the “nearly new baby sale” for Kidston Kids in Kilmacolm. Whether through lack of funding or simply a lack of voluntary support, this once thriving baby and toddler playgroup, to which my own kids were delighted attendees, is no more.
Many of our local community groups and organisations rely on volunteers. However, we now live in a society where we all have so many constraints and pressures, apparently, that many find it difficult to donate their time, even if just a couple of hours a week.
Maybe it’s time to take stock. My children’s development was much the richer for environments like Kidston Kids. And, if anyone fancies starting up the “nearly new baby sale”, I have a couple of donations, although they are now teenagers, so not sure if that counts. But, seriously, let’s all try and make some effort to get involved in our superb communities.
British Summer Time
The clocks will go forward by one hour on Sunday 29 March as British Summer Time begins for another year. The official time changes at 1am, moving forward to 2am across the UK. If you struggle to remember which direction time travels, there is an old saying, “Spring forward, Fall back” to help you.
Your LOCAL magazine
The Advertizer is the ideal platform to tell the community your news as we reach over 14,000 homes and businesses in the Gryffe area. Send in your news and photos to: info@advertizer.co.uk, or by post to The Gryffe Advertizer, 1st floor, Neva Place, Bridge of Weir PA11 3PN.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Oh, we do love a happy ending at The Advertizer!

In January, Olly the cocker spaniel did a runner while out on his walk. He was last seen heading from Bridge of Weir towards the moorlands in the direction of Muirshiel. Despite a HUGE hunt, Olly wasn’t found. Three days followed, with some of the worst winter weather of the year. Then, a local farmer picked up a bedraggled pup and recognised him as Olly, thanks to the ongoing local facebook campaign. So Olly was reunited with his frantic owner resulting in big smiles all round!

Local TV stars! It was a joy to watch the Reith sisters who run Three Sisters Bake in Quarriers and now also in Killearn, when they appeared on This Morning last month to chat about working together, running their cafes and what makes them happy. Listening to Gillian, Nichola and Linsey together, you just know they love what they do! 

On the roads, ongoing repairs are underway at the bridge in Quarriers Village which will last for some weeks and further road surface repairs are planned for the A761 section between Bridge of Weir and Kilmacolm; let’s hope not at the same time!

You can keep up to date with proposed roadworks by visiting the website www.roadworksscotland.org or via our two local council websites, www.renfrewshire.gov.uk and www.inverclyde.gov.uk. Another site you can register with for regular updates for your area is www.tellmescotland.gov.uk/notices/renfrewshire/traffic.

We’ll try to keep you updated too on Facebook and Twitter - please follow our new facebook page, Gryffe Roadwatch, for regular updates on road repairs and conditions. 
The Advertizer is the ideal platform to tell the community your news as we reach over 13,000 homes and businesses in the Gryffe area. Send in your news and photos to: info@advertizer.co.uk

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Welcome to our special January issue, packed with local news and events. Once again, we have included a handy 2015 desk calendar which you can cut out and keep through the year. Find it on the inside back page.

We enjoyed another prolonged, sunny summer in 2014. Plenty of happy faces, and no worries about keeping the kids entertained during the summer holidays. The weather helped our local outdoor summer events enjoy bumper crowds. And rounding off the year, we enjoyed a number of excellent dramatic productions, including pantomime!

An exciting year ahead for The Advertizer as we will have been publishing your LOCAL magazine for 20 years! Yes, we can’t believe it either! Once again, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your continued support and look forward to working with you throughout 2015.

A special thanks to Suzanne and Linda in the office, the local Councillors and many other contributors who provide their news and updates and, of course, the local retailers, tradesmen and businesses for their ongoing support on which our community thrives.
Wishing you all the best for 2015!