Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Preparations for this issue were tinged with great sadness following the loss of Gordon Lethorn at the end of April. Having suffered illness for some time, Gordon passed away leaving a huge gap in the lives of his family and friends.
His legacy lives on though through the Festival Committee who run the annual Gala Week festivities and the Santa Sleigh in the weeks leading up to Christmas each year.
We send our thoughts and condolences to Brenda and the family, and to everyone he worked with throughout his years in fundraising.
Talking of the Gala event, Bridge of Weir’s Gala Day will be once again be held at the Houston Road park, but this year there will be limited vehicle access. Due to the ongoing works to prevent flooding, the grounds are not suitable for multiple vehicle access, so there will be no public parking available and limited spaces for the stallholders.