I was delighted to hear that the group, “Weir Saving our Village”, has offered to help meet the costs of improving the play area in Moss Road Park, Bridge of Weir. The group – formed to save the park from a sell-off for retail development – successfully campaigned for the Council to retain ownership of the park. The funds raised during their campaign became surplus to requirements.
On a sad note, I’m sure that you will share my surprise and disappointment at the imminent closure of Bull’s Garage (see the adjacent page). If local rumours are to be believed the possibility of the business continuing as a going concern is not an option and consequently the buildings may be demolished. If true, what is to become of the site?
The site of the garage includes the vacant land towards the River Gryffe, currently used for casual parking. This vacant land was referenced on the local plan and designated residential development, however, with the removal of the garage what is to become of this significantly larger plot. Rumours abound; more housing, affordable housing, a supermarket, a railway station, etc? I don’t know, but one thing is for sure, the convenience of the local garage which has been there as long as I can remember will be sadly missed. Not to forget the service which the Crawford family has afforded the community, having built the business over the years.
Finally, and on a lighter note, I was highly amused to hear that there were, in fact, no nearly new babies for sale at the recent ‘Nearly New Baby Sale’ in Kilmacolm. I’ve no doubt though that some big brothers and sisters might have thought this would be a really good idea.
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